‘Skate at Somerset House’ has returned for the festive season and this year features an original soundtrack by resident artists Anna Meredith and Music Hackspace.
The piece is inspired by the natural hum of the Zamboni ice-resurfacing machine and Meredith has composed a series of harmonizing drones alongside instrumentation inspired by early video game soundtracks to accompany it.
The innovative installation uses tracking software, coded by Music Hackspace resident Tim Murray-Browne, which allows the piece to use the live movements of the machine to influence and effect the instrumentation as it moves around the rink.
Together, Meredith and Music Hackspace have successfully transformed what is normally a routine maintenance task into an unusual spectacle.
Sarabande for Zamboni will be playing every night at 7:45 during the 15-minute ice-resurfacing session and is not one to be missed!
Click here for a sneak preview...