Simon Lacey composed the theme for the BBC's British Film Forever, a seven-part primetime series for BBC Two. The series was made with the support of the British Film Institute and the UK Film Council.
British Film Forever forms the centrepiece of the BBC's Summer Of British Film season, an unique television event celebrating the rich heritage of British film. Jessica Hynes (Spaced, Shaun Of The Dead) guides us through the series examining British film by genre, with highlights from over 200 exclusive interviews from leading actors and directors including Sir Michael Caine, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Kate Winslet, Ewan McGregor, Gurinder Chadha and Richard Curtis. The first part of the series is due to for broadcast on Saturday 28th July, on BBC2.
Not content with scoring productions about features, Simon has also just completed his score for his second feature, Good. Simon provided arrangements of Mahler for this film based on the stage play by C.P. Taylor, which examines how “good” people could be sucked into the evils of German national socialism. Directed by Vicente Amorim, the film stars Viggo Mortensen in the lead role.