‘SPEED is a raging 18 minutes of explosive techno for orchestra.  Powered by a synthetic drum kit, the orchestra pulses along at 130 - plus beats per minute, with subtle shifts mimicking a DJ’s spin doctoring.
The work begins in a quintessential techno style, with triads and minor seconds.  It closes with another classic trope of the genre, brashly heroic fourths and fifths … The live strings brought a dramatic edge and presence to the sound – who needs a digital sampler when you have a symphony orchestra?  Part of the fun in this piece is realising how silly you feel sitting in a concert hall at 9.30 PM when the music conjures a warehouse at 3am.  Laugh?  I nearly wet myself.’
The Australian (Martin Ball), 29 July 1997 

‘It had me in stitches again, with its brilliant evocation of techno tropes.  The strings work overtime in reproducing lines usually reserved for a sequenced synthesiser, and the trombones are just perfect as wailing sirens’
The Australian (Martin Ball), 1 May 1998

‘Speed is not only thoroughly enjoyable, but also reflective of the innovative works currently being composed for the symphony.  Works which make exciting recordings, but which also have the power to draw younger audiences into the fabulous experience of live symphonic performance.’
Capital Q Weekly (Paul Turner), 13 April 2000
‘It is exciting and explores a new facet of symphonic sound.  A great voice who does not have to use gimmicks or quirks.  Just skill and imagination.’
The Courier-Mail (Patricia Kelly) 3 June 2000