
2(II-picc).2(II=ca).2.2(II=cbsn) - 2.2.2.btrbn.1 - timp - perc(2): kickdrum/bell tree/SD/cyms/2 piccolo jam blocks/3 roto toms/sml, med + lrg susp.cym/tamb/bongos/vib/t.bells/glsp/BD/ small olive oil cans/2 referee's whistles/cabasa - pno(+cel) - organ - (keyboard)* - strings * optional keyboard can be used to replace all the piano, organ and celesta parts


Score and parts for hire

Programme Notes

"Music is everywhere, in the air, all around,
Everyone loves a musical sound."
As I embarked upon this rather daunting task, James Mayhew and I talked at length during the Christmas period of 2016 about how to begin. There was one section of James’ first draft of narration which especially struck me and offered up the essence of an orchestra, the way it works and perhaps how a child might perceive music.
By using the character of a caretaker, we both wanted to present the sections of an orchestra in a witty and accessible way, but which also demonstrated the power and potential of orchestral music.
So, the music and the narration, beautifully written by James, together lead the audience on a tour of each family of instruments and culminate in a rip-roaring ‘Overture’, a celebration of all things orchestral, and an ideal introduction to any programme of music that might follow. It’s colourful, pacy and we hope engaging for the next generation of potential orchestral players or audience.
We are both thrilled and honoured that Spencer Down and the Docklands Sinfonia have trusted us to create this work, and we hope you enjoy this world premiere performance. 


The Caretaker's Guide to the Orchestra

St Anne's Limehouse (London, United Kingdom)

James Mayhew/Will Tuckett/Docklands Sinfonia/Spencer Down