
afl.bcl - pno - vla.vlc


Score and parts (fp) 0-571-56738-X for sale.

Programme Notes

Berthold Goldschmidt (1903-1996) was a master of the chaconne - a form in which a theme or figure is repeated throughout, not necessarily in the bass (in which case it becomes a passacaglia - my theme is nearly always in the middle register). So this memorial tribute to him could not have taken any other form. It is appropriately slow and sombre - though the colours come more from the instruments used - alto flute and bass clarinet, viola and cello, and the piano mostly commenting in its lowest register - than from sadness, which would not be appropriate to a life so fulfilled.

Elegiac Chaconne

Royal College of Music (London, United Kingdom)

New Perspectives/Tim Lines

Elegiac Chaconne

BBC Radio 3 (United Kingdom)

Britten Sinfonia

Elegiac Chaconne

Assembly House (Norwich, United Kingdom)

Britten Sinfonia

Elegiac Chaconne

Town Hall (Birmingham, United Kingdom)

Benjamin Britten/Sinfonia

Elegiac Chaconne

Wigmore Hall (London, United Kingdom)

Britten Sinfonia