2 cbsn – 4.ptpt.3.2.btrbn.cbtrbn.1 – timp – perc (6): 1: glsp/aluphone (ossia: tuned c.bells)/small tgl/rain stick 2: crot (2 octaves)/slide whistle/vib/ch.cym/tin (medium)/lion’s roar 3: Tibetan singing bowls/anvil/tin (large)/snare drum/mar/xyl/tuned gongs/whip/vib/t.bells/Mahler hammer/ch.cym 4: t.bells/tuned gongs/tom-toms (5)/tam-t/tins (small, medium, large)/opera gong/metal dustbin/metal guiro/bongo/crash.cym (small pair)/flexatone/aluphone (ossia: tuned c.bells - shared with I) 5: dark susp.cym/c.bells/sleigh bells (small and very small)/tins (small, medium, large)/crash.cym/high susp.cym/tom-toms (5)/marching.cym (small pair)/opera gongs (small, medium, large)/metal cast (ossia: small tin)/whip/small splash.cym/thunder sheet/flexatone/anvil/tam-t 6: BD/ch.cym harp – pno – strings
Score and parts for hire