afl(=picc).bcl(=cl) - hn - pno - harp - vla.vlc
Score (fp) 0-571-55365-6 on sale, parts for hire
'This quiet and introspective work takes its general feeling from the opening words, "We are born at sunset and we die ere morn" … it is fascinating how Matthews can use, almost entirely, dark and subtly shifting colours, the one shaft of light quite dazzling in its radiance.'
Tempo (David Denton) January 1998
‘Arching vocal phrases, doubled and echoed by flute and horn within the sombre ominous textures that Matthews contrasts with such perfection.'
The Independent (Nicholas Williams), 9 July 1990
‘Delicate washes of sound are matched to some quite angular line-drawing within an idiom whose frontiers extend from Britten to Berg.'
The Observer (Peter Heyworth), 17 June 1984
The Observer (Peter Heyworth), 17 June 1984