Giuseppe Gariboldi wrote many studies for flute which remain standard teaching material today. The First Exercises start with easy melodic tonal studies that gradually expand their range of tones, thus increasing the technical demands. Melodic and harmonic progression, dynamics, articulation and dexterity are developed in a variety of short exercises. The song-like, easily comprehensible melody in connection with elementary motivic work (repetitions of motifs, sequences and variations) trains the inner tonal image which is imperative for the beginner in particular. When a sense of melodic progression and phrasing is developed, technical elements are added later are incorporated both unobtrusively and organically.

Die ersten Übungen für Flöte
Giuseppe Gariboldi war ein italienischer Flötist und Komponist dessen kompositorisches Werk mehr als 400 Werke für Flöte enthält.
Außerdem schrieb er noch zahlreiche Lieder und drei Operetten.